Sodium Iodide 50%

A sterile solution of sodium iodide in water for injection. Sodium iodide is of value in the treatment of selected bacterial, actinomycete and fungal infections.

Each ml of SODIUM IODIDE 50 % contains 500mg of sodium iodide, preserved with 0,1 % sodium thiosulphate.

SODIUM IODIDE 50 % is used in the treatment of actinomycosis and actinobacillocis in cattle and sheep, in which the response to treatment is often dramatic. It is also used as an expectorant in horses and cattle, and for the treatment of ringworm in calves and horses.


  • As an expectorant in cattle and horses: 4-16ml as a single dose by slow intravenous injection.
  • For the treatment of actinomycosis or actinobacillocis:
  • Cattle: 7ml per 50kg bodymass by slow intravenous injection. Repeat in one week if necessary. Sheep: 4ml weekly by subcutaneous injection.
  • For the treatment of ringworm in calves: 2ml per 50kg bodymass as a single dose by slow intravenous injection.

Contra-Indications &Amp; Side-Effects
SODIUM IODIDE 50% should not be given to animals with pulmonary tuberculosis or those in advanced stages of pregnancy. Iodism or hypersensitivity may occur acutely or after prolonged administration. Hyperthyroidism may occur. Occasionally, animals may show distress, including restlessness, dyspnoea, tachycardia and staggering during injection of the product.

100ml amber injection vials

Store at room temperature below 25°C and away from light.

Registration Number
G1780 Act 36/1947


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