Protexin® Concentrate

SKU: protexin-concentrate


Protexin® Concentrate is a Multi Strain Probiotic Concentrate for use in poultry, pigs, sheep/goats and cattle for the maintenance of good health, to manage effects of stress on the gut. Recommended for post-antibiotic use to normalise gut flora; or to supplement the sterile gut when hand-rearing animals.

Laetobacillus plantarum PXN® 47 ™ , Laetobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus PXN® 39 ™ , Laetobacillus acidophilus PXN® 35 TM, Laetobacil/us rhamnosus PXN® 54 TM, Biffdobaeterium biffdum PXN® 23 TM, Streptococcus thermophilus PXN® 66 TM, Enterococcus faecium PXN® 33 TM, Dextrose monohydrate 97%
Microbial Content 3%.
Total Viable Count not less than 2 x 109 cfu/gram.

Recommended use:

Poultry In feed In Water
Chicks 150g /ton 1g/ litre first 5-7 days
Growers 100g /ton 1g/2 litres water
Finishers 50g /ton 1g/4 litres water
Breeders 50g /ton 1g/4 litres water
Layers 50g /ton 1g/2 litres water


Pigs In feed In Water
Sows 20g /ton 0.2g / animal/day
Creep 200g /ton 0.2g / animal/day
Starter 200g /ton 0.2g / animal/day
Growers 100g /ton 0.2g / animal/day
Finishers 50g /ton 0.2g / animal/day


Sheep / goats In feed In Water
Lambs/kids 50g /ton 0.25g / animal/day
Sheep/goats 50g /ton 0.25g / animal/day


Cattle In feed In Water
Calves 75g /ton 0.25g / animal/day
Dairy/beef 50g /ton 0.25g / animal/day


Store in a cool, dry place (Below 250c)

Protexin® Concentrate is safe for all stock at all times. No withdrawal period.

Additional information