Firefly Wireless Video Otoscope
Firefly Wireless Video Otoscope is the industry’s first wireless, high precision digital video otoscope with image and video capture capabilities. It providesunprecedented accuracy in observingthe ear canal. This is a powerful toolwhich can be used for medicaltraining, telemedicine, EMR(Electronic Medical Records) as wellas for patient education. Unlike olderelectronic otoscopes, the FireflyWireless Video Otoscope deliversthese breakthrough capabilities – andmuch more – at a highly economicalcost.The Firefly Wireless Video Otoscopeis controlled directly with theFireflyPro professional imageprocessing software which is bundledwith the product. This state-of-the artsoftware enables users to capture,store, recall, view, manipulate andmeasure images and videos in realtime. Its intuitive interface empowersusers to get right to work anytime andanywhere.
- Preforms highly accurate and clearotoscopy observations
- Wirelessly captures snapshots &videos
- Integrates easily with ElectronicMedical Records (EMR) systems
- Magnifies objects up to 50x(optical) and up to 150x (digital)
Y2595 Set Includes:
- Wireless Receiver
- Video Otoscope
- Power supply
- Standard Specula set
Y2595/F Extra length Vet specula set for Y2595
Y2595/S Flexible aural forceps